Saturday, 15 March 2014

Feel The Love! | Winchester Today

All the team at Winchester Today are very excited about the biggest project we have ever undertaken. 35 musicians - 4 venues - 1CD - it's all part of the Feel The Love Tour! 

It is in fact so huge that we are wondering what we have let ourselves in for. But we are absolutely sure that you will love it!

The Drammen International Gospel Choir
This Autumn we will be bringing the Drammen International Gospel Choir to Winchester, Salisbury and Eastleigh with a cast of 30 singers and musicians.

The project is up and running on Kickstarter - take a look here and make a pledge!

While they are here, the choir will be recording a live CD and offering a master class to some music students here in Winchester. 

We have put it to the choir about producing a CD which will be on sale to generate funds for our nominated charity. The twist is though that the CD will have been recorded in the city just 24 hours earlier. 

Listen to the full interview with Kevin Gover and Sven Jøran Michelsen from the Drammen International Gospel Choir by clicking here:

David Williams (l) from Christ Church Winchester with the music director
of the Drammen International Gospel Choir, Sven Jøran Michelsen.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Winchester MP Chairs Vital Post-Flood Meetings

Following the worst winter on record, Winchester's MP Steve Brine has held post-flood meetings with local constituents and experts to see how flooding could be prevented here in the future.
MP Hosts Vital Post-Flood Meetings | Winchester Today

Steve told Winchester Today that residents have not only asked for help in fighting what was happening in February - and need reassurance: "They've also been looking to the future and asking what can be done to prevent it happening again. 

I will take what they've said back to the councils and to government and see if we need any investment, where it needs to go and how much I need to fight for that money for our constituency."
MP Hosts Vital Post-Flood Meetings | Winchester Today

On their second set of visits to the rural parishes of the Winchester District to view the impact of the floods, the Mayor and Mayoress of Winchester paid tribute to the contribution of the armed forces.
Cllr and Mrs Ernie Jeffs were escorted on a five-hour trip to Twyford and Hambledon by the Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr Rob Humby.  Together, they viewed houses damaged by water and sewage and businesses which had seen regular trade fall by up to 50%.
Cllr Jeffs says he's deeply impressed by the rallying-round: “At a time when local people were beginning to feel really exhausted by the continued physical and emotional effort of fighting the floodwater, the armed forces have played a vital role in sustaining morale and confidence.
“The Winchester District has been extremely fortunate in having help from a number of regiments, working on innovative major projects like the Easton river barrier and also essential local activities such as manning the pumps overnight in Hambledon.  
They have been well co-ordinated, genuinely keen to help and delightful additions to the local community.  I would like to thank all those who have been involved.”